2 cups gluten burger
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon flour
1 cup seasoned tomato sauce
1/4 cup chopped green pepper Seasonings to taste
1 small eggplant
1 cup giated cheese
1/4 cup chopped celery
Brown onion and celery and burger in frying pan. Add flour and mix well. Stir in tomato sauce, green pepper, seasonings. Blend. Arrange 1/2" eggplant slices over burger-tomato mixture. Simmer slowly 10-15 minutes or bake in casserole until vegetable is tender. Sprinkle cheese on top and brown under broiler. Garnish with parsley.
Fried Tortillas
If canned or frozen tortillas are available, cut into four pieces and fry in oil to cover till they are crisp but not brown. Serve as an accom-panying side dish, or they may be served whole fried crisp.
Tortilla Filling
Mix thoroughly . . .
2 cups grated yellow cheese
1 cup minced onion
1/2 teaspoon salt
After tortillas are fried, dip into hot oil, then dip into Enchilada sauce. Place a large spoonful of Tortilla filling on each and roll up. Arrange in serving dish or baking dish. Cover with remaining sauce, reheat, and sprinkle with remain-ing filling. Serve at once or reheat before serving in quick moderate oven (375° F.).
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