ANGEL FOOD CAKE IS OFTEN TOUTED FOR BEING low in fat and therefore sin free. I can’t speak for everyone, but “healthy” isn’t really a characteristic I look for in dessert. This version of angel food cake, laced with cocoa and spiked with cinnamon schnapps, is downright devilish. Scrumptious and fluffy, it’s perfect for hot summer nights when topped with scoops of raspberry or chocolate sorbet. It sounds strange, but it’s important to allow angel food cakes to cool upside down. Otherwise, they won’t come out of the pan properly. (Boozy Baker)

8 TO 10
1¼ cups confectioners’ sugar
1 cup cake flour
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
12 large egg whites, at room temperature
1½ teaspoons cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon schnapps
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon schnapps
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
TO MAKE THE CAKE, sift together the confectioners’ sugar, flour, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. Resift a second time, and set aside.
In another large bowl, combine the egg whites and cream of tartar. Beat with an electric mixer on high speed until they form soft peaks, 2 to 3 minutes. Gradually add the granulated sugar and continue beating until thick and shiny. Add the cinnamon schnapps and beat to combine.
Working in four additions, gently fold the flour mixture into the egg white mixture until just incorporated.
Ladle out 1 cup of the batter and place it in a small bowl. Sprinkle the cocoa powder over the batter and fold in gently, just until combined.
Alternately spoon the plain batter and the chocolate batter into an ungreased 10-inch tube pan. Swirl the batters together with a butter knife. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake 35 to 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the cake springs back when pressed lightly. Invert the cake over a wine bottle or on a rack and allow it to cool completely before removing it from the pan.
TO MAKE THE CINNAMON SCHNAPPS GLAZE, combine the confectioners’ sugar with the cinnamon schnapps in a small bowl and whisk until smooth. Drizzle over the cooled cake.
SHAKE IT UP: Substitute cinnamon-flavored vodka for the cinnamon schnapps.
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